conference HISTORY

Kojicon is the brainchild of Yellow Farmhouse Director Jennifer Rothman, Author and Fermentation Expert Rich Shih, and Chef and Author Jeremy Umansky during the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic. During the first conference, we expected about 100 participants. We were pleasantly surprised when over 600 people registered for our conference. With the excitement from the Koji community and the expert lineup of presenters, we knew we had created something special.

We have completed four annual conferences and look forward to our fifth in 2025. Kojicon 2024, Presence, Place, Possibility, was a huge success due in part to all of our amazing presenters and the support, dedication, and enthusiasm of our audience. The recorded content ticket purchase includes recorded content for Kojicon 2024, 2023, 2022, and 2021. This access will expire on 12/31/24.

Kojicon is presented by the Yellow Farmhouse Education Center, a non-profit 501c3 in Southeastern CT. Our mission is to connect people to each other and where their food comes from through food and farm-based education.

Throughout this two-week interactive conference, participants will gather virtually with experts in the field to share their passion and skills for utilizing the magic of this edible mold. During Kojicon 2023, we took a dive deep into how fermentation, an essential tool of food production throughout history, has shaped our past and has the potential to shape our future for the better. For generations, fermentation and other preservation methods were a necessity for survival. That knowledge transfer started to dwindle as time passed, and delicious, nutritious, culturally significant techniques were lost.

Koji and fermentation also have the potential to improve our food system by reducing the amount of food waste we generate, utilizing less climate-intensive ingredients, and introducing countless new flavors to people all over the world.

Over the course of two weeks, explore koji with live-streamed conversations, demonstrations, and networking opportunities. This diverse, inclusive, and growing international community of koji enthusiasts welcomes people of all experience levels.

Questions: Please email info@yellowfarmhouse.org